The Student Development Programme of the St Vincent and the Grenadines has the following outcomes for the curriculum
Understand what is required to pass by the examiners/College
Students will have
* Understood the difference in requirements between CXC and A level/CAPE
* Discussed and written notes on syllabus requirements for each of their exam subjects
* Clearly understood the College rubric for passing Year 1 to be applied to each of their subjects
* Looked at model questions and answers for each of the subject examinations to be studied.
* Understood the time line for each of the above and applied it to their Annual Study Plan.
Be well organised
Students will have
* Learnt and applied using task based exercises of a variety time management techniques
* Developed a personal approach to study planning including producing a weekly study plan
* Understood the procedures of the college for submission of written work, examinations and other administrative functions
* Become aware of resources available to them in College and externally.
* Gained an understanding of basic good practice in study such as filing, indexing, setting up a study area and applied it to their own circumstances.
Understand his/her motivation and be well motivated
Students will have
* Taken part in recognised coaching/motivation exercises to help them understand their own motivation to succeed
* Developed a personal “mission statement”.
* Examined their barriers to success and developed strategies for overcoming them.
* Examined a variety of problem solving techniques to overcome resistance to change e.g. visualisation exercises, learning theories.
Take personal responsibility for success
Students will have
* Examined the differences between Community College and school and discussed feelings and responses to change.
* Examined their concerns about to failure and discussed strategies for coping with failure.
* Examined their expectations of and understood the roles of their parents/other supporters, teachers and peers.
* Developed an action plan for personal development
Be acquiring good classroom skills
The skills include:
Appropriate behaviour
* Understood the expectations of the College with regard to conduct.
* Examined through task based learning techniques in assertiveness, giving and receiving constructive criticism, academic “etiquette”.
* Developed a personal code of conduct for classroom behaviour by examining areas of weakness.
* Developed with peers a code of conduct for the orientation programme group and classroom activities.
Effective listening
Students will have
* Learnt a variety of techniques to improve listening skills
* Examined and practised predictive/active listening through task based activities on the programme and within the classroom.
* Understood verbal signposts within lectures and applied it to their own experiences.
Effective contribution to discussion
Students will have
* Understood the role of discussion as an effective learning tool and applied them to the expectations for each subject studied.
* Understood some of the conventions of academic language and discussions and applied them to their own experience.
* Taken part in whole class, small group and partner discussions on subjects from the orientation programme.
* Made a presentation to their study group on development of good communication skills
* Taken part in task based exercises to promote verbal reasoning.
Be acquiring good skills in information gathering
The skills include:
Effective Reading
Students will have:
* Understood the concepts/theories behind speed reading and reading comprehension
* Learnt academic reading skills of scanning and skimming.
* Learnt strategies for reading for an assignment such as book selection/ surveying texts and applied them to their own work.
* Practised techniques during the orientation programme and applied them within their subject areas.
* Examined areas of weakness and developed an action plan to improve their reading skills.
Effective Note-taking
Students will have:
* Understood the role and importance of note taking in lectures and during reading.
* Learnt and practised note taking techniques for lectures within the programme and applied them to their own subject area.
* Developed a personal approach to note taking and retrieval of information from lectures.
* Learnt and practised diagrammatical note taking from written texts.
Be developing the ability to apply information gathered
The skills include
Reading comprehension
Students will have :
* Understood the language features of factual information texts and texts explaining theories.
* Learnt and practised reading comprehension strategies such as SQ3R/PQ3R for complex factual texts.
* Practised tracking narrative/main events and identifying themes of texts through task based learning and applied to own subject area.
Critical thinking
Students will have:
* Learnt at a basic level current theories in critical thinking
* Understood the processes involved in critical thinking
* Taken part in task based learning to promote critical thinking
* Learnt problem solving techniques such as brainstorming, question techniques (so what) and practised them in group and individual exercises on the programme
* Integrated critical thinking within their work in subject areas through exercises on the programme
Be improving their capability to express complex abstract thought
Students will have:
* Taken part in games and exercises to develop logic and reasoning.
Be improving their abilities in written work
The skills include:
Understanding requirements and questions
Students will have:
* Understood terms and practised interpretation of the complex questions (key directives).
* Learnt methods to interpret questions such as topic and key phrase identification and applied them using examples in their own subject area
* Understood the expectations for each subject area through use of model essays and projects.
Planning and drafting essays and projects
* Learnt techniques such as pre-writing, preparing outlines, rough drafts for planning essays and projects
* Understood standard structures for essays and projects
* Learnt proof reading techniques and applied them using task based learning.
* Understood areas of weakness in content or structure of writing and practised identifying and editing written work using examples from own work.
Writing techniques
* Understood and practised conventions for expressing tentativeness and certainty
* Understood and practised use of paragraph and transitional phrases
* Understood conventions for quotations and references to texts and practised paraphrasing texts.
* Examined weakness and common errors in grammar and punctuation
* Taken part in exercises to extend academic vocabulary.
* Taken part in exercises to improve writing style and readability.
* Developed an academic voice in writing.
Be aware of good exam techniques
Students will have:
* Incorporated revision plans into their weekly study plans and annual study plans
* Learnt strategies for time management, interpretation, and planning whilst sitting exams and developed an action plan based on review of own weakness
* Learnt stress management techniques
A good support network
Students will have:
* Formed small “study support groups” based on Study Development Programme classes
* Developed coping strategies within their personal development action plan for stress, personal problems and relationship difficulties
* Understood and discussed situations in small groups where extra help may be needed.
* Understood what other support resources are available.
* Identified other areas of support within their family, friends and other social contacts to assist their studies.
Increased their awareness of health issues
Students will have:
* Taken part in HIV/AIDS awareness sessions facilitated by Peace Corps/Ministry of Health
* Understood other sources of information and support on health issues
* Incorporated health issues into their personal development action plan
Written products
Annual study plan (ASP)
Weekly study plans (WSP)
Personal Development Action Plan (PDAP)
Personal Mission Statement
Portfolio consisting of notes from lectures, responses to task based work, study / personal development journal
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