The QUIZ with the answers
2. How many weeks teaching do you have at Community College to cover the A level syllabus 48
3. How many weeks teaching for CXC 60
4. Name a notetaking technique which uses “branches” from a central point with words on them mind map
5. How many hours per week should you spend studying for each A level? Same as in class 5 hours
6. What are SMART goals? Specific, Measureable, Achieveable or Action orientated, realistic, time limited
7. Why is an “I will” statements useful when changing habits? I won’t sets up rebellion, I will is positive and definite
8. What can you use to find out time wasting activities? Time log
9. What are Quadrant 2 activities in the 4 quadrants of time management? Important but not urgent
10. What is the first habit of “Highly Effective People” from the book by Stephen Covey? “Put first things first” – acting on principle
11. What is the second habit? Begin with the end in mind – setting goals
12. What is active listening? Listening with questions in mind, listening with a purpose
13. How many times and when should we review notes to ensure transfer into the long term memory? 3, 10 mins after, 24 hours after and 1 week after
14. What is the Jeopardy or Cornell method of notte taking? Questions down one side of the notes for test/recall purposes and a summary question a the bottom
15. What does SQ3R method of reading consist of? Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review
16. Robert Ennis thought critical thinking had two main qualities beginning with “R” Reasonable and reflective
17. Richard Paul’s definition of critical thinking was “Thinking about ……….. “. Complete. Thinking about your thinking while you are thinking to make your thinking better
18. What are two elements of the 8+ elements of reasoning? Concept, consequences/implications, information, question at issue, main purpose, assumptions, conclusions, point of view (+ context and alternatives)
19. What is the central element? Alternatives